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Mounting Systems

Xtreme Tactical™ Rings

Xtreme Tactical™ Rings

Xtreme Tactical Rings were built to withstand brutal use from competitors and tactical operators. They are lightweight, have plenty of holding power, and can endure any amount of recoil.

  • Fits on most Weaver and all Picatinny-style mounts
  • Available in a variety of sizes
  • Ideal for tactical use
  • Also great for hunting rifles, slug guns, and muzzleloaders
  • 1-in. and 30 mm models are made of aluminum for optimum weight savings
  • Quick-detach models available
  • 1/2-in. Picatinny Risers are available for extra height and better sight alignment
Regular price  $78.00


Item NumberMSRPSizeRing HeightHeight to CenterFinishTop Ring TorqueRing Cross Bolts Torque
420160$7830 mmLow0.85 in.Matte20 inch-lbs65 inch-lbs
420161 (Single Ring)$4830 mmLow0.85 in.Matte20 inch-lbs65 inch-lbs
420180$721 in.Low.75 in.Matte20 inch-lbs65 inch-lbs
420162$7830 mmMedium1.10 in.Matte20 inch-lbs65 inch-lbs
420163 (Single Ring)$4830 mmMedium1.10 in.Matte20 inch-lbs65 inch-lbs
420181$721 in.Medium1 in.Matte20 inch-lbs65 inch-lbs
420164$7830 mmHigh1.35 in.Matte20 inch-lbs65 inch-lbs
420165 (Single Ring)$4830 mmHigh1.35 in.Matte20 inch-lbs65 inch-lbs
420182$721 in.High1.25 in.Matte20 inch-lbs65 inch-lbs
420166$7830 mmExtra-High1.60 in.Matte20 inch-lbs65 inch-lbs
420167 (Single Ring)$4830 mmExtra-High1.60 in.Matte20 inch-lbs65 inch-lbs
420183$721 in.Extra-High1.50 in.Matte20 inch-lbs65 inch-lbs


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