Add New Life to an old Gun with a Burris Droptine

Growing up outdoors, hunting and fishing was in my blood at a young age. I can still remember when I got that first real rifle; A .22 caliber rifle that helped me learn the ins and outs of how to use a firearm, where to point it, safety on, and so much more. Now that same .22 still sits in the gun safe. I went to clean it the other day and I can still remember shooting squirrels with it in the backyard. “Man, I just never knew if I was going to hit that squirrel at 25 or 30 yards,” I said to myself. The gun only came with iron sights and I don't know why I never added a scope to it.
At that moment I decided I needed to put a scope on this old gun, bringing new life to something that had once been forgotten. After scouring the web trying to figure out the best options I settled on the Burris DropTine 3-9x40mm Rifle Scope. It’s a rifle scope specifically designed for a .22 caliber rifle, and focus is set at 50 yards. The 3-9 power adjustments make shooting over 50 yards so much easier, and the Ballistic Plex Reticle makes drop compensation possible out to 100 yards.

After taking the gun scope and rings to my local gun shop to mount the scope I couldn’t help but be excited again to shoot this old gun. It’s amazing how a simple thing like upgrading your old gun with a new scope can bring back old memories. The next day I had to go plinking. After arriving at the ground, I loaded the .22 and as I loaded it the new droptine scope gave life to all the marks and scuffs that this old gun had received over the years.
Before I started knocking down the tin cans I needed to get it sighted in. My local shop bore sighted the scope, but it needed some fine tuning. Sighting in this Droptine rifle scope was a breeze. I decided to sight it at 50 yards because the .22 caliber version’s focus is set to 50 yards. After about fifteen shots and a handful of small adjustments the gun was ready to go. Time to have some fun. It didn’t take long to go through a 50 round box of ammo but it was well worth it! The clarity and shootability of this scope is quite spectacular for the price. Not to mention that you get a full metal on metal scope, with adjustment points that are very easy to make. The power, focus, windage, and elevation adjustments are all metal, making this Forever Warranty scope worth every penny.
With the new Droptine scope I am excited to teach my son and daughter the fundamentals about shooting just like my father taught me. Not to mention, I don’t have to worry about this old gun not performing when I hand it down to my son or daughter.
If you want to see more Burris scope videos from Outdoor Jack, check out their YouTube Channel.